Friday, March 21, 2014

Do's and Dont's

DO: Know exactly what your protagonist wants
DON'T: Let your protagonist have it right away.

DO: Eliminate all distractions before you write.
DON'T: Literally eliminate the distractions, especially if they are your loved ones.

DO: Read your story aloud to see if it sounds right.
DON'T: Read your story aloud while you eat to see if it sounds right. (It never will.)

DO: When you think you're not a good writer, imagine yourself as a good writer and just do what that person would do.
DON'T: When you think you're not a good writer, imagine yourself as a good writer and just write what that person already wrote.

DO: Remember that E.L. Doctorow said, "Writing is like driving at night in the fog."
DON'T: Forget that E.L. Doctorow was using this as a simile.

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